We’ve Built The Line – (Official Music Video)

Hand of Juno – We’ve Built The Line

Performed by: Helly Elisa Montin, Melissa Bruschi, Alice Lane Pandini, as
Hand of Juno
Alice Lane Pandini: Lyrics, Bass lines, Bass recordings
Melissa Bruschi: Vocals Lines, Vocals, Lyrics
Helly Elisa Montin: Composer, Producer, Synths, Electronic Percussions,
Lyrics, Vocal Lines, Bass lines, Guitars lines, Drums
Sergio Missaglia: Synths
Jonathan Mazzeo (The Grid Europe): Mix, Guitars recording and production
Eleven Mastering: Master

Director Luca Rapuzzi


Hateful words keep crashing on,
Crashing on the walls we’ve raised to shield our soul.
Grieving on the death of love,
if it won’t hurt you, why put it on the cross?
Only when you’re close to die
It doesn’t matter if your savior’s black or white.
Screaming on the 38th road,
the line is so thin now,
please leave me, I cannot breathe!

We’ve built the line (to suffer less!)
to rise above impendently
We’ve built the line (like ancients did!)
don’t care what’s back in time

Oh, how sad is our fate.
We’re standing on the brink
Oh how sadly we fight
Without a chance to win

We’ve built the line (to suffer less!)
to rise above impendently
We’ve built the line (like ancients did!)
don’t care what’s back in time

When we fall,
we leave something to the world.
When we fall…
You build something to cry
You build something to heal the pain
You build something to cry
We will not go back in time!

We’ve built the line (to suffer less!)
to rise above impendently
We’ve built the line (like ancients did!)
don’t care what’s back in time