lomor broken eternity official music video

Broken Eternity – (Official Music Video)

Video production
Director: Nicolas Guéniot
Photography Director: Nathan Lacanal
Producer: Sébastien Roux
Studio Acoustik

Audio Production
Recording and mixing: Sebastien Camhi
Artmusic Studio

Mastering: Kai Stahlenberg
Kohlekeller Studio

Special thanks to:
Ian Henderson (Ze Shop, Stage OI)
Tic Hoarau (Labelistic)
PRMA, Région Reunion, AMI Support

Thierry Thopart, Mathéo Roux, Marissa Payet, Benjamin Paulin, Aurélien Cormier, Lola Phinera-Horth, Aurore Cordier.


War for hatred wisdom has been said
What God did you pray for your healthiness
Rise of morbid dreams of your demise
Your glittering hatred unveiled
Obscene murderers Godhead
Feel your emptiness

Open the gates
Ancient Rites
Satan’s awakening from below
Your cold blood running through your spine
Embrace Eternity

Touch of evil on your neck
Turning skin to leather
Chalice of blood running through your mouth
Embrace Eternity

Break the stone of hate
Drink and taste your
Blood Eternally
Face your dark side
Of Evil untold
Sell your lost soul
To Master Devil of Pain

His words are preaching for eternity
You cannot break it nor deny it
Feel the wrath
Feel the pain
Hope to be in Hell
Your broken Eternity

Face the Devil burning deep inside you
Embracing the power of death
Speak his name
Rent the Lord
Play whih God in Hell
Your Broken Eternity

Face your Broken Eternity
Face your Broken Eternity